Thursday, November 21, 2019

One of the five articles mentioned Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

One of the five articles mentioned - Essay Example Violent media is an authentic tool that provides tough mental exercises and the children will learn the merits and demerits of violence to enable them to adapt to real-life situations. Gerard argues accordingly and treats violence as an asset for the healthy growth of children. Unless the child knows what darkness is, the beauty of the light will never be appreciated by it. Children must know the prevailing realities in the present violence-prone society and adjust their life-patterns accordingly. Gerard Jones begins the essay with a heavy stroke of the hammer. At the first reading the reactions like—justification for violent media? Exposition of children to violence? Incredible!—are normal. Gerard’s love for violence goes in tandem with his love for children—this in short is the message ingrained in the essay, and said intelligently. Gerard’s advice to the children is, remove thorn with the thorn. It is easy for the parents to make the children submissive by injecting repeated doses on morality, but it requires guts to tell a child, retaliation is the best answer when you are attacked. A brave child of brave parents will be happy at the recollections of the past, as to how he challenged the vicissitudes of life. No one is defeated in life unless one admits defeat and the child that has been sensitized about the values of violent reactions will have the last laugh. The best educational institution on this Planet Earth is the college of self-education, where your mind is your principal and your initiatives are your professors. The highest challenge is to face the realities of life and not avoid or duck them. The motivating factor for the author to pen this essay and come out in support of violent media is his own childhood when he was carefully prevented from having the firsthand knowledge about the dark sides of life. Children should know that there

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