Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Telecommunications and Networking (cloud computing) Essay

Telecommunications and Networking (cloud computing) - Essay Example As a result of this, the most notable changes are visible in the applications and approach of the Web servers. The web servers’ functions have undergone new definition in manner in which they facilitate the clients directly or indirectly (Terry, 2010).Cloud computing is defined as a scalable infrastructure on which the servers rely their operations. The data available in the remote networks and remote infrastructure allowing ease of access and rapid transmission (ACM, 2009). Cloud computing has number of characteristics to it which make it more distinctive and unique compared to the conventional form of web servers that were in practice in past. It also provides various applications and functionalities that separate them from their predecessors. These features include software as a Service feature, platform as a service feature and finally, infrastructure as a service feature. These three factors are the characteristic attributes of the cloud computing. Other features include advanced algorithms, service oriented architecture availability, massive broadband availability. New Functionality: Virtualization is another factor characteristic of cloud computing which differentiates it from the earlier technologies that were present in the market for the purpose of clients-servers operations (Josyula, et al., 2012). Cloud computing has an edge relevant to the capital expense as well and no major deployment is needed prior to the operations. It rather targets Operation expenses. The need for internally purchased servers is also eliminated with the help of cloud computing concept. More servers’ installation is another edge which can be enjoyed in the case of incumbent technology (Terry, 2013). Advantages: Other advantages include: economic advantages, reduction in the variable costs, ease of operations, scalability, disaster recovery and handling costs control, further enhanced automated network, data security, all these are few of the advantages served by Cloud computing technologies. 2-A central challenge of cloud computing is providing scalable, secure, self-managing, and fault-tolerant data storage for long-running services. What data models are supported by existing cloud-based storage systems? What are the technical trades-offs between the key-value stores commonly provided and relational databases? How do application developers choose a particular storage system? How does one design cloud-based storage systems to ensure that a user's data survives for 100 years, even as companies come and go? The data models employed ensure scalability and flexibility enabled infrastructure. Various models are in practice for these purposes which include one dimensional vs. multi dimensional models, access path optimization, and multi data centre models. Cloudy is another model designed for the purpose of bringing about more flexibility in the cloud mechanism and system. Relational model is another model in existence that is being used by Clou d computing technique for the purpose of service providing to the clients. Key value, queue, xml are few other models being incorporated (Weiss, 2007). Tradeoff: Consideration of the pricing, service level agreements, and Application program Interface are few of the technical tradeoffs. Performance trade off is a serious factor in Read Optimized data base. Limitations in the existing setups: Allowing for

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